jAnevAlA hUM karanewAlA hai जानेवाला हूं करनेवाला है

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In Hindi sometimes we say future tense sentences like 
मै जानेवाला हूं ( mai jAnevAlA hUM )
तू करनेवाला है  ( tU karanewAlA hai  )
वो गानेवाली है  ( wo gAnewAlI hai  )

In English such sentence are formed using “going to” phrase.
 “He will come?” can also be said as “He is going to come” etc.

In Marathi this sentence is formed as
Subject           verb+णार   form of असणे(“asaNe”)in present tense
तो                    येणार           आहे

Examples :-
वे लडके आनेवाले है (ve laDake AnevAle hai )
ते मुलगे येणार आहेत (te mulage yeNAr Ahet)

मै बोलनेवाला हूं ( mai bolanevAlA hUM )
मी बोलणार आहे (mI bolaNAr Ahe )

वो दरवाजा खोलनेवाली है ( vo daravAjA kholanevAlI hai )
ती दार उघडणार आहे  (tI dAr ughaDaNAr Ahe )

तू नाचनेवाला है ( tU nAchanevAlA hai ) 
तू नाचणार आहेस  (tU nAchaNAr Ahes kA)

Question will be formed as
Subject           verb+णार   form of असणे(“asaNe”)in present tense  का ?
तो                    येणार           आहे                          का ?

वे आनेवाले है क्या ? ( ve AnevAle hai kyA )
ते येणार आहेत का ? (te yeNAr Ahet kA )

मै बोलनेवाला हूं क्या ?( mai bolanevAlA hUM kyA  )
मी बोलणार आहे का ? (mI bolaNAr Ahe kA)

वो दरवाजा खोलनेवाली है क्या ?( vo daravAjA kholanevAlI hai kyA)
ती दार उघडणार आहे  का ?(tI dAr ughaDaNAr Ahe kA  )

तू नाचनेवाला है क्या ?( tU nAchanevAlA hai kyA) 
तू नाचणार आहेस का ? (tU nAchaNAr Ahes kA kA  )

Listen examples in this lesson at

Exercise: Try creating sentences with different verbs using above rules. Crosscheck them by creating same by “verb forms” feature on http://learnmarathiwithkaushik.com/

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  1. Replies
    1. "te mulage yenare aahet". I updated sentence. Thanks for pointing out.
      How is your Marathi learning going on ?


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